
How Are Duplicate Keys Made?

Are you having trouble unlocking or locking your front door? The problem might have to do with your key. Do you have a spare key in case you forget your keys and get locked out? If not, it may be time to get a duplicate key Campbell. Due to frequent use, keys become worn and need to be replaced. It’s essential to have spare keys around if you get locked out. You can keep a spare key in a lockbox, at work, or give one out to a trustworthy friend or relative who lives nearby. Need a duplicate key Campbell? Real Time Locksmith can make one for you if you live in the Campbell area! Here’s what you should know about key duplication.


How Are Duplicates Made?

Keys are cut using a machine called a key duplicator. To make a duplicate key, an original and a blank key is necessary. The original key will be placed on the machine and aligned with the cutting tool, while the blank key will be lined up with the alignment tool. The alignment tool and cutting tool are level. The key guide is the part of the machine that lines up the keys. Once the key duplicator is turned on, the cutting tool will cut the blank key and use the original key as a guide. After the blank key is cut, a locksmith will smooth out the duplicate key. The result is a key that is identical to the original. 


Locksmiths Will Use the Correct Key Blank

When it comes to duplicating residential keys, choosing the right blank key is an easy process. At Real Time Locksmith, we have hundreds of blank keys! We’ll try to choose one that closely resembles your original key so the results are as precise as possible. 


Use the Original Key

It’s important to use the original key when making a duplicate. Is your key a copy of a copy? A copy of a copy isn’t as accurate as the original key since every time a copy is made, small errors will be introduced. Eventually, you’ll introduce enough errors that the key won’t open the lock. You can have a duplicate key cut without having the original. However, it is not recommended. If you don’t have the original key, a locksmith can make you a new key by using a code cutter to identify the groove depths of your lock’s key code. This will let the locksmith know how to cut your key to create the right match. 


How Long Does It Take to Cut a Key?

A professional locksmith can usually cut a key within a few minutes. However, it will take longer if your key is more complex. 


Where Should I Get My Key Duplicated?

While key duplication kiosks are certainly convenient and affordable, their results aren’t very reliable. They may work when they’re new, but there’s no guarantee that they’ll work for very long. At Real Time Locksmith, we pride ourselves on delivering high-quality results. While our services aren’t nearly as affordable as getting a duplicate at a key duplication kiosk, we’ll cut your keys correctly the first time. Our locksmiths are trained professionals who have experience with cutting thousands of keys a week! Your time is valuable, don’t waste it. Instead of taking the risk of getting a faulty duplicate, get your key duplicated by professionals who know what they are doing and who won’t waste your time.

Real Time Locksmith can duplicate your residential, commercial, and automotive keys. We can cut you new keys and will happily give you a few spares for backup. Call us if you need a duplicate key Campbell and we’ll be on the scene within minutes, ready to cut you new keys!

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