
What Are the Top Office Security Threats?

Commercial security isn’t always taken as seriously as automotive and home security, although it’s just as important. The first part of learning how to properly implement office security is determining what your workplace weaknesses are. No matter the size of your business—small or large—it’s bound to have its weaknesses. Being able to identify your office vulnerabilities will be the key to your success. Here’s are some common threats that offices face every day and how an office locksmith San Jose can help:


Internal Threats

While most companies pay a lot of attention to external threats, internal threats tend to be ignored. However, internal threats can become real threats to any business. Here are some of the internal threats that you should pay attention to and strive to protect your business against. 


Employee Theft

Employee theft is one of the most common internal threats that every business faces on a daily business. While it’s always best to trust your employees, you should never turn a blind eye when looking out for your business. Your employees have more access to your office or commercial property than just about anyone. 


Failing to Maintain Security Measures

It’s great when offices have security measures in place, but failing to maintain these measures is a common occurrence. That’s why it’s important for commercial properties to have systems in place that allow them to constantly check up on how their security measures are holding up over time. 


Lack of Security Training

It’s pointless to have a security plan if your employees cannot properly execute it. Be sure to go over security protocols with your employees and make sure that they know what to do when facing a security or safety threat.


Lack of Verification Methods

Verification methods are crucial for internal office security to prevent intruders from gaining unauthorized entry. Big offices tend to have a lot of employees and clients passing through on a daily basis. Without the proper verification methods, your employees and office building can be put at risk. Luckily there are plenty of solutions to secure your property, such as access control systems. Access control systems can allow you to keep clients or even employees out of restricted areas. Contact an office locksmith San Jose to help you choose and install the right access control system in your building. 


External Threats

As a business owner, your job is to keep your employees and clients safe from external threats. Here are some common external threats that businesses and offices experience every day. 


Lack of Perimeter Security

Perimeter security is an essential part of securing any commercial building, although a lot of companies forget to secure their perimeters because they are focused on other facets of commercial security. But, it’s important to secure your perimeters since they are the first line of defense. Many offices and commercial buildings secure their property by installing gates.


Poor Lighting

Exterior lighting may not seem essential, but the right amount of lighting can prevent burglars from breaking into your office building. Most burglars and criminals prefer to break into properties at night that have poor lighting or no exterior lighting at all, because they know that the property is closed and everyone has left for the day. If your commercial property has poor exterior lighting, you are putting your employees, clients, and property at risk.


Damaged or Weak Locks

It’s important that your door locks are always in good working condition. Door locks prevent anyone from just walking in and stealing something that doesn’t belong to them. If you’re interested in upgrading your locks and improving your office’s security, there is a large selection of high-security locks to choose from! Locks can pose a danger if they are installed the wrong way, damaged, or are not properly maintained. That’s why we suggest hiring an office locksmith San Jose to replace, change, repair, and maintain your locks whenever necessary.


Real Time Locksmith Can Secure Your Office

Protecting your office building is no easy task, but we can take some of the weight off your shoulders. A reputable office locksmith San Jose from Real Time Locksmith can secure your office by installing surveillance and access control systems, installing high-security locks, and creating a regular lock maintenance schedule. While you focus on implementing security training and proper lighting, we’ll focus on keeping your commercial building secure. Office security is not just for preventing theft and damage to your property but can help keep your employees and clients safe. Call us to get started on securing your office today!

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